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NEW POS Added for Telehealth

Angel Callaway, CPC, CPB

Effective January 1, 2022 a new place of service will go into effect for Telehealth visits. POS 10 Telehealth Provided in a patient's home was created for services provided remotely in a patient's private residence. However, Medicare is not planning on using the new place of service code.

Medicare does not see a need for the new place of service code therefore they are going to continue to use the current place of service code. You should continue to report Telehealth visits using POS 02 Telehealth provided other than in patient's home.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the list of telehealth services is expanded to include many temporary health services. When billing for professional claims for all telehealth services with dates of service March 1, 2020, or after for the duration of the pandemic bill with the place of service as if it has been furnished in person and modifier 95

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